About us

More About UMMAC Medical

The UMMAC medical division together with Medco have partnered with Zero Appliances manufacturing, who have more than 60 years’ experience in the industry, in offering the widest range of high quality SAHPRA and WHO approved medical refrigeration and freezers. They also have a vast range of hybrid domestic refrigeration models.

So whatever field you are associated with in the medical industry, be it   Clinics, Laboratories, Hospitals, Pharmacies, Research Institutes, and even Military Hospitals our products will be close to your heart in providing efficient, reliable, dependable refrigeration. We are also suppliers of the hybrid gas/electric model fridge freezer combination to UNICEF for medical and vaccine programs worldwide.

The company further maintains strong representation and working partnership agreements with strategic European partner company’s offering specialised and innovative products.

In essence UMMAC Direct supplies medical and domestic refrigeration direct from our manufacturing facilities to the end user worldwide.

The domestic refrigeration range is equally as efficient covering new green technology and an alternative power source refrigeration.

UMMAC INTERNATIONAL BV is the Netherlands based office that is responsible for international trade, customer service and co-ordinates delivery service throughout the world.

The company further maintains strong representation and working partnership agreements with strategic European companies that offer specialised and innovative products.